Science & Fun | Home |  Introduction into the 1H NMR Spectroscopy
Science & Fun | Home |  Introduction into the 1H NMR Spectroscopy


In order to derive a spectrum based on the structure of a molecule, you first have to characterize the compound step by step.

Arrange the steps below in the proper order, and eliminate the steps that are irrelevant for this question.
  1. What are the relative intensities of the signals from the different groups of equivalent protons?
  2. What is the ratio between the number of carbon nuclei and other heteronuclei? 
  3. What coupling pattersn are found in the resonance signals due to spin-spin couplings? (Type of multiplets and intensity of the multiplet lines) 
  4. What chemical shift do you expect for the groups of equivalent protons? 
  5. How many groups of equivalent protons, and therefore resonance signals, are present? 
  6. How large are the coupling constants of the spin multiplets? 

When you have your answers, continue to the next page