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You ought to know better by now! (Didn't your mother teach you better?)
If you compare the two molecules
A) A X
B) A X
you will come to the following conclusions:
  1. Both molecules show in their NMR spectra signals, since their proton groups are .
  2. The proton groups in both molecules couple with each other because in both cases the respective groups are .
  3. The two NMR signals of the molecule B) would be split due to nA = 2 and nX = 2 both into .
    The molecule A) would show in its spectrum a doublet and a quartet, because nX = and nA =
Therefore the observed spectrum can only be caused by molecule A)!
In addition to the signals from its aromatic protons in its 1H-NMR spectrum, a substituted benzene derivative of the composition C9H12 gives rise to
  • a doublet (1 : 1) and
  • a heptet (1 : 6 : 15 : 20 : 15 : 6 : 1).
Can you propose a structure that is in agreement with these data? Check here for the solution!